Michael Johnson
Independent Agent
- [email protected]
- (276) 883-2079
- (336) 769-6892
I was introduced to the insurance business by my grandfather, as I would drive him around to appointments as a teenager. I graduated from Concord College with a BS degree in Business Administration in 1987 and worked for a ladies swimwear company after graduation as a sales rep for 10 years. In 1997, I got back into the insurance business and have been involved with Medicare ever since. My goal is to help people understand the ins and outs of Medicare and help them enroll in the best option for them. My father retired from the military with 30 years service therefore I have a desire to help those who have served our country. I have 2 grown children, my daughter is 24 and son is 20. In my life God is first and he has shown me that faith in him is a must, then family and work. I enjoy being out among people and meeting people from all different walks of life.